
The detailed program of the Seminar is available at the following address:

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Tutorial EAAE 175 Seminar MS Teams

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Tutorial macOS users


13 May 2021

13.30 14.00 Welcome
14.00 14.45 Plenary 1
15.00 16.00 Parallel 1
16.15 17.15 Parallel 2
17.30 18.15 Plenary 2
18.15 18.30 AEPP special issue presentation

14 May 2021

9.00 10.00 Parallel 3
10.15 11.00 Plenary 3
11.15 12.15 Parallel 4
12.15 12.45 Poster
14.00 15.00 Parallel 5
15.15 16.00 Plenary 4
16.15 17.15 Parallel 6
17.30 18.30 Parallel 7
18.30 18.45 Closing remarks 


Contributed paper: 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes q&a

Poster: 5 minutes presentation and 1/2 questions

Organised session: 1 hour available during parallel sessions

Keynote speakers (confirmed)

Miet Maertens

Professor in Agricultural and Development Economics and Head of the Division of Bioeconomics at KU Leuven

Professor Maertens’ research focuses on food trade, supply chain coordination, food standards, and sustainable agricultural intensification – she studies these issues from the perspective of how  they affect low- and middle- income countries and the rural development process in these countries, with specific attention to food security, labor market developments, gender and empowerment.   

Ian Sheldon

Andersons Chair in Agricultural Marketing, Trade, and Policy at The Ohio State University

Professor Sheldon has published widely in the fields of economics and agricultural economics with a focus on trade and policy issues. His recent research has focused on trade and intellectual property rights, trade and climate policy, product quality upgrading and trade liberalization, agricultural productivity and trade, and evaluating the impact of regional trade liberalization. 

Claude Ménard

Professor (Emeritus) of Economics, Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne

Prefessor Ménard main field of research has been and remains the economics of organizations and institutions. He created and directed the Center ATOM (Analytical Theory of Organizations and Markets) from 1991 until 2009, when it merged with the Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne in 2009.  He co-founded the International Society for New Institutional Economics together with economists as Ronald Coase, Douglass North, and Oliver Williamson and was president of that association in 2001-2002. During the Seminar he will address relevant research questions concerning sustainability standard, including their adoption and implementation, investigated in the perspective of new developments in institutional analysis.

Sofia Berto Villas-Boas

Professor in Agricultural Economics, U C Berkeley

Prefessor Villas-Boas research interests include industrial organization, consumer behavior, food policy, and environmental regulation. Her recent empirical work estimates the effects of policies on consumer behavior, such a bottled water tax, a plastic bag ban, and a soda tax campaign and its implementation. Other published work has focused on the economics behind wholesale price discrimination banning legislation, contractual relationships along a vertical supply chain, and identifying the role of those contracts in explaining pass-through of cost shocks along the supply chain into retail prices that consumers face.